March 1 |
Lecture at town-mayor's office in Nishikawa-cho, Niigata-ken, Japan
Title: "Administrative Reform and Local Government"
March 10 - March 11 |
Attend at the International Advisory Council of IFES, Washington DC, in USA
May 19 |
Lecture at Foreign Press Club in Tokyo for a group of journalist invited from Middle East countries
Title: "Japanese Politics and Economy since the End of World War II"
May 26 |
Lecture at the Headquarter of the Liberal Party
Title: "The Result of Simulation of the Next General Election of House of Representatives"
June 2 - June 10 |
Engaged in the international election observation of Indonesian election as a guest of Asian Association of Election Authorities
August 1 - February 28 (2000) |
Guest Professor at the Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, in Norway

Picture with Professor and Mrs. Stein Kuhnle
September 12 - September 14 |
Lecture at the International Symposium of the Club of Rome on 'Globalism and South East Europe'
Title: "Fall of Economic Superpower Japan: Recent Changes in Japanese Politics and Economy and Their Problems"
September 16 |
Lecture at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, in Norway
Title: "After the One-party Dominance: Japanese Party Politics since 1993"
September 23 - September 24 |
Lecture at the International Symposium on 'Future of Democratic Socialism' organized by Tokai University European Center in Bedvaek, near
Copenhagen, in Denmark
Title: "The End of Socialism in Any Form? -Experiences of the Democratic Socialist Party in Japan-"
October 4 |
Lectures at the Department of Political Science, University of Geneva, in Switzerland
Title: "After the One-Party Dominance: Japanese Party Politics since 1993"
Title: "Fall of Economic Superpower Japan: Recent Changes in Japanese Politics and Economy and Their Problems"
October 6 |
Lecture at the Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, in Norway
Title: "After the One-Party Dominance: Japanese Party Politics since 1993"

Sogne Fjord near Bergen
October 11 |
Lecture at 'Jiji Top Seminar' in London organized by Jiji Press
Title: "Future of Obuchi Coalition Government: On the Result of Simulation of the Next General Election of House of Representatives in Japan" (in
October 13 |
Lecture at the Department of Government, University of Aberdeen, in Scotland
Title: "After the One-Party Dominance: Japanese Party Politics since 1993"
October 18 |
Lecture at the Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, in Norway
Title: "Some Thoughts on Economic Development in Asia: Japanese Model of Economic Development, Human Rights and Economic Growth"
October 19 (October 20) |
Return to Tokyo from University of Bergen, Norway
October 23 |
Preside, as President, and make presentation at the Annual Conference of Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming (JASAG) in Ryutu
Keizai University inIbaraki, Japan
Title: "A New Approach to Election Analysis: From Simulation to Game, From Analysis to Operation"
November 3 - November 4 |
Attend at the International Advisory Council of IFES in Washington DC, USA
December 3 |
Lecture at the Symposium on 'Democratization and Election Assistance in Post Cold War Era' organized by Interband, IPSJ and Asia
Foundation in Tokyo
Title: "Change of Democratic Theory and the Role of Election in Democratization"
Please click here to see the program of symposium