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A highly attractive variety that produces pink blossoms followed by small pink bananas. A good choice for small areas. Height 4'-6'. Grows well in light shade outdoors.
5 seeds

BIXA ORELIANA - Achiote, Lipstick Tree, Annatto
A small tree with a round head, generally grown as an ornamental because of its lovely flowers of various colors. The seeds of the flower have a reddish powder which is used as a vegetable tint for soaps, rice, margarine, cheese and many other products. It is believed to come from Brazil but was carried throughout Central and South America by the Indians, who used the coloring as body paint, and by women, who used it as lipstick. The dye contains Vitamin C.
5 seeds

This is a variegated form of the popular "Shell Ginger." The plant will produce a large hanging inflorescence with white and pink bracts with white flowers that have yellow and red markings. It is very attractive and hardy, but it won't bloom unless it doesn't freeze for a year and a half. Many people get suckered into buying this for the blooms, but if you're in Zone 8 don't expect flowers too often! It is a nice foliage plant regardless.
5 seeds

A strong perennial vine becoming 20 to 30 feet long. The leaves are three-lobed and deeply toothed. Its flowers are about 2 inches across, white with a purple or pink
band around the center. The fruit is yellow when ripe, 1.5 to 2 inches long, edible. Native from Virginia south and west to Florida and Texas.
5 seeds

Anthuriums are popular foliage plants. They are also grown for their attractive flowering bracts which are popular with the cut flower trade. The name Anthurium is Greek in origin, meaning tail flower, referring of course to the flowering column.
5 seeds

A tropical plant native to Asia and Australia and belonging to the Palm family, Palmaceae. They have bulky cylindrical trunks and large tufts of finely divided leaves. These plants can grow 40-80 feet tall in their native environments. Young plants are used indoors in a greenhouse or as houseplants. In southern Florida and similar moderate climates, these plants are grown outside.
5 seeds

A tropical plant native to Asia and Australia and belonging to the Palm family, Palmaceae. They have bulky cylindrical trunks and large tufts of finely divided leaves. These plants can grow 40-80 feet tall in their native environments. Young plants are used indoors in a greenhouse or as houseplants. In southern Florida and similar moderate climates, these plants are grown outside.
5 seeds

HEDYCHIUMS, called "butterfly gingers", are best known for the marvelous breath-taking fragrance of their blooms. Showy, orchid-shaped flowers manifest an ethereal delicacy of form and an enchanting odor. Colorful blooms emerge from green bracts atop 5 foot cane-like growths. Bloom from the top of first year growth. They like moderate to filtered sun, preferably morning, as afternoon sun tends to burn foliage. Root hardy.
5 seeds

5 seeds
5 seeds
Shrubs or subshrubs 0.6-1.5 m tall, with creeping rhizomes. Stems usually minutely puberulent or sparsely brown scaly when young. Petiole 5-8 mm; leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, 7-25 x 1-5.8 cm, membranous or subpapery, glabrous adaxially, usually ±finely brown scaly abaxially, base cuneate, margin entire or shallowly crenulate, recurved, punctate, apex long acuminate or rarely acute; lateral veins ca. 8 on each side of midrib, marginal vein obscure. Inflorescences terminal, subumbellate, simple, on curved specialized lateral branches 5-10 cm. Flowers white or pink, 4-5 mm. Pedicel 1-1.5 cm, puberulent. Sepals oblong-ovate or lanceolate, ca. 1.5 mm, ±sparsely punctate, glabrous, apex acute or narrowly rounded. Petals ovate, 4-5 mm, punctate, glabrous outside, ±minutely puberulent inside, apex acute. Stamens subequalling petals; anthers narrowly oblong-lanceolate, with or without glands dorsally. Ovary glabrous; ovules ca. 5, uniseriate. Fruit reddish, globose, 5-6 mm in diam., punctate. Fl. Apr-Jun, fr. Oct-Jan. 2n = 24, 46.
5 seeds
A shrub with dark green, shiny leaves. The pinkish-white flowers open in spring and last a long time. They are followed by scarlet berries in the fall. These plants are native to China and Malaya.
5 seeds


5 seeds

Giant tree-like herbs, the leaf-sheaths forming a pseudostems ("false stems"), few to many in a clump, to 7 m tall and 25 cm in diameter at the base. Each pseudostem flowers and fruits once and then dies.
5 seeds

A shrub with dark green, shiny leaves. The pinkish-white flowers open in spring and last a long time. They are followed by scarlet berries in the fall. These plants are native to China and Malaya.
5 seeds

Asparagus plants are not only a delicious vegetable, but different species can also be lovely as houseplants. The Asparagus officinalis is the botanical name of the garden variety. It grows wild in southern Europe, southwestern England, and southern Ireland. Most of the greenhouse varieties come from South Africa.These are perennial plants with erect stems and tiny branches bearing inconspicuous flowers followed by reddish berries that contain black seeds. They can be grown outdoors in regions where there isn't much danger of frost; otherwise, they can be grown as houseplants. Asparagus meyeri is an erect plant with foxtail-like stems made up of thick, bright green foliage that grows up to two feet long. Actually, asparagus have no functional leaves those little green things on the stems are really called cladodes. Asparagus plumosus is a climber with flat, fernlike "leaves" that grow horizontal on wiry stems. Asparagus sprengeri is feathery and soft looking with many branching stems. This plant often has small white flowers followed by red berries.
5 seeds
Very large herbs (with pseudo-stems constituted by massive leaf bases); laticiferous. Plants (or at least, the the leaf bases) succulent. Perennial; cormous, or rhizomatous. Pachycaul. Mesophytic. Leaves large to very large; alternate; spiral; flat; petiolate; sheathing. Leaf sheaths with free margins. Leaves simple (but becoming ragged and pseudo-pinnate by tearing between the lateral veins); epulvinate. Lamina entire; lanceolate, or oblong, or ovate (large); pinnately veined (the laterals parallel to one another); without cross-venules (i.e. between the laterals). Vernation convolute.
5 seeds

Often used in gardens, and indoors as a fernlike plant when young, this species grows only 6 to 8 feet tall. Its 3- to 4-foot arching fronds resemble luxuriant plumes. Female plants grow inconspicuous flowers and inch-long, black, edible dates. The pigmy date palm can stand desert heat but only occasional light frost.
5 seeds

This 20- to 40-foot palm, grown only in southern Florida, Hawaii and warm coastal areas of California, has bamboolike canes topped by pliant, light green 6- to 8-foot fronds. Fragrant white flowers on spikes are followed by small, blackish inedible fruit. Areca palms make exotic specimens for pots, patio or lawn, screens or backgrounds. They need rich soil and plenty of water; they tolerate shade, but very
little frost.
5 seeds
Costus, a splinter group in the ginger family, are commonly called "crepe ginger" or "spiral ginger" because the foliage usually rotates around the small bamboo-like stalk. Petals open from a cone on the terminal end. Possibly the most ancient of all gingers. Height: 4' to 6'. Orange bracts give appearance of a small pine cone at the terminal end of the stalk. Blooms sporadically from mid-summer to fall. Likes filtered sun. With good light, this plant makes a handsome tub subject. In the garden, it produces a lush tropical effect. Root hardy. Mulch to maintain moisture.
5 seeds
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